Kamis, 18 Juni 2009


Increase blog traffic study that takes guts, for this may be a lot of questions: "how to increase blog traffic?". I will answer the question. On this article I will spell out 20 tips meninkatkan traffic to your blog:
1. Write more articles. If you want traffic, you have to write a good article, interesting, & quality. So keep writing interesting articles.
2. Design blog semenarik so that visitors may be berlama-old in your blog. Example of a site for menyediakanlayout blog: http://freetemplate.widarto.net, http://eblogtemplates.com/blogger, and others
3. Use your own domain name to look more professional
4. Tebar blog comments on other people. There is no written law, if there are people on your blog and also haruh engomentari bloganda.
5. Start the "Tagging" image in your blog. When you insert an image in your blog, you must be member identity.
6. Response immediately comment mail & others. People will like your blog that the owners of interactive & meresponsegera comments and e-mail messages
7. Use MyBlog. Sign up to follow all Myblog & MyBloglog at least 15 hours per komunitar
8. Watch and learn the statistic you.
9. Link to other post
10. Submit your blog to blog search engine.

Hopefully your blog increase the trafik ...
Thank you ..

2 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

waalaikum salam...???
wah gimana mau dilink tempat linknya ja ngak da...??

kasih dunk tempat linknya...???

Anonim mengatakan...

oya sekalian saya kasih saran ya...??/

kalau kasih panduan jagan makek bahasa inggris...!!! banyak para bloger yang ngak gerti dengan arti tulisan tuh...???