Kamis, 04 Juni 2009

Godhul Bashor

Muroja'ah: Ustadz Abu Ukkasyah Aris Munandar

"Say to the believing women, let them keep some eyes and keep kemaluannya. And do not expose their adornment except from the usual visible ... "

Muslim Ukhty certainly have not heard more foreign translation above paragraph, the word of God is found in the Al-Qur'an surat an-Nur verse 32 which describes a few things, including the obligation to hold the view (godhul bashor).

What's wrong with the view? Rather we are given eyes to see? We are given eyes to see God's creation, they all have aturannya. We are asked to turn the view of the things that God haramkan, such as the type of opponent that is not mahrom.

Then, why do we have to maintain this view? Here are a few reasons, namely:

1. View of the wild is a means toward the forbidden
About keharamannya, shallallahu Rasulullah 'alaihi wa Sallam said, "O Ali, do not you follow the first view with the view of the next. The first view, but not to the next. "(Abu HR. David, dishahihkan by Al-Hakim in accordance with Muslim requirements)
2. Leaving the view is a form of casual kemaksiatan to God
He said in the letter of the Qur'an An-Nur verse 30, which means, "Say to those who believe, so down and they keep their genitalia. That is purer for them. Allah is Knower of what they do. "
3. Insertion of the devil when someone looked
Satan through the entrance way beyond this speed the flow of air to vacuum. Parahnya, the devil will make a form that is seen as idols link hearts, and clear out the promise of delusion. Then he fires it and lust cast maksiat wood. Pintarnya again, Satan will deceive people in stages. It's saying that they pegangi; was of the view, then changed to smile, and then switch into a conversation, and then make a pact to be changed, which in turn changes to the meeting. So the devil threw terrible poisonous arrows at us and threw Satan gradually so that we sometimes do not realize it. Astaghfirullah not believe ...? Still remember the story of Joseph and the bangsawati the slice-ngiris finger 'kan?
4. Views will stir up the hearts
A person whose heart is busy cause akan akan forget things that are useful for him. Finally, he will always be negligent and the only sex nafsunya.
5. We can break the hearts of others
Often, the view of a woman to men is not only harmful to the heart of the spectator. When mixed with a smile, or the subject's breath with a fellow female colleagues, and shadow caught by this man who is seen or felt GR (gede rasa) because they are seen, surely there are more hearts broken. Wah, just add any sin!

The experts also bertutur morals that between the eyes and hearts have eratnya regard. When the eye has been damaged and destroyed, then hatipun akan damaged and destroyed. Exercise is like the trash that contains everything unclean. If we let loose the view, this means that we enter the darkness in the heart. Conversely, when we stare down because God means that we enter into light.

God again reminded, still in Surah An Nur, in verse 35, Allah said, which means "God (the) light (to) the heavens and the earth. The parable of His Light is like a hole that is not perforated, in which there is great light. Light in the glass (and) the glass as if akan stars (eradiate the) such as pearls, which start with the oil of the tree berkahnya, (is) the olive tree that grows not in the east (something), nor in the west (it), the oil (only) almost up, even though no fire touched it. Light on the light (flake), God guides to His light whom he will, and bring God's parables for mankind, and Allah knows all things. "

When the heart is shining, the various charities akan goodness came from various directions, to be implemented. Do not we still continue to violate the order because he was not supervised by God. Is not Allah is Knower of what we do? Thus, we choose to live, want to have the view that awake or not? Of course, with all the consequences.

Tazkiyatun Nafs, Ibn Rajab al-Hambali, Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyyah, et al
There awas Satan, Satan The guile and Penangkalnya, Wahid Abdussalam, Yahya Mukhtar

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